We offer efficient and quantitative solutions for the mining industry, backed by 25 years of experience, particularly oriented to the water cycle.
Water Resources Studies
- Exploration and exploitation of surface and groundwater resources.
- Development of conceptual and numerical models in porous and fractured media.
- Water monitoring.
- Characterization of hydrology and climate conditions.
- Water balance and recharge estimation.

Water - Mining Components Interaction
- Simulation and prediction of water flows and qualities for the life cycle of mining components (open pits, underground mines, waste rock dump, mine tailings, leach pads).
- Dewatering of open pit and underground mines.
- Water balance in mining components and integrated water management plans.
- Hydraulic engineering.
- Implementation of geotechnical and hydraulic instrumentation.
Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) & Metal Leaching (ML)
- Characterization studies of ARD and ML.
- Geochemical monitoring and control.
- Flow forecasting modelling and chemical composition of effluent.
- ARD and ML prevention, mitigation and management plan with the implementation of geochemical criteria.
- Efficient engineering design and management using hydrogeochemical criteria for waste dumps and tailing deposits.

Pollution Management and Environmental Liabilities
- Characterization of contaminated sites and environmental liabilities.
- Quantitative risk analysis of health and environment.
- Strategy and implementation of remediation.
- Management of environmental liabilities and hazardous mining waste.
Optimization of Processes
- Strategies for optimizing and identifying opportunities in the water cycle.
- Evaluation and optimization of processes in acidic water treatment plants.
- Geochemical evaluation for the heightening of tailings dams.
- Evaluation of the management and processes for the optimization of leaching pads.

Mine Closure
- Elaboration of mine closure plans.
- Evaluation of hydrological and chemical stability of components.
- Waterproofing and sealing of underground galleries.
- Evaluation of encapsulation, coverage and revegetation systems.
- Hydraulic infrastructures, water management systems and treatment systems.
- Conceptualization of passive treatments.
- Research, development and innovation in sustainable closure alternatives.
- Expert estimate closure costs.
Permits and Procedures
- Environmental baseline.
- Support on environmental Impact Assessment.
- Authorizations, files and letters of relevance.
- Environmental permitting.