Management team

Lara Duro
CEO of Amphos 21 Group
Ms. Lara Duro is the CEO of the group Amphos 21
Lara is an internationally known expert in radioactive waste management, with more than 25 years of expertise in the subject. She offers her assessment to national waste management organisations and has an ample expertise in the coordination of multinational and multidisciplinary large R+D projects. Lara authors and co-authors a large number of scientific papers, chapter books and technical projects and has supervised several Ph.D. students in radioactive waste management.
Lara holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry by the University of Barcelona, she has specific Senior Executive training by ESADE Business School; MSc. In environmental management by the institute of Ecological Research, Post-degree in hydrogeology by the Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC) and in Project Management by EADA Business School.

Jordi Bruno
He is an international expert on Sustainability and Environmental Strategies, including Circular Economy. He has worked for more than 30 years for the safe disposal of radioactive and industrial wastes. Author of more than 130 papers, five books and countless reports.
Jordi Bruno has directed several PhD theses and he is member of a number of scientific and strategic councils. Jordi Bruno holds a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry by the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm (Sweden), an MBA by the Stockholm School of Economics and an Executive MBA for Smaller Technology Companies from Stanford.

Juan Castaño
CEO of Amphos 21 Chile
Juan Castaño is CEO of Amphos 21 Chile.
International expert in sustainable development, his professional activity in the last years has been mainly in Latinoamerica. His technical expertise embraces from the remediation of water and soils in mining operations to the management of urban and industrial wastes. Juan Castaño has a solid background in Climate Change, energy efficiency, circular economy and sustainable architecture.
Juan authors numerous technical publications on waste management, sustainable development and chemical substances (COPs)
Juan Castaño has a degree in Chemistry by the University of Barcelona, he holds a Master in Climate Change and Sustainable Development by the Institute of Ecological Investigations and an Executive MBA by the ESADE business school.

Eduardo Ruiz
Managing Director of Amphos 21 Peru
Eduardo Ruiz is Managing Director of Amphos21 Perú.
Holding a vast experience in the Latinamerican mining market, Eduardo is responsible of the strategy and operation of the Mining market sector in Amphos 21. He had led multiple international projects related with quantitative hydrology and hidrogeochemistry as support tool to the development of civil engineering infrastructures. Along his activities, Eduardo has worked both in mining and civil works, soil remediation and management of water resources.

Jorge Molinero
Deputy Director of Amphos 21 Spain
Jorge Molinero is the Deputy Director of Amphos 21 Spain.
Jorge Molinero is an internationally recognized consultant in charge of the development and implementation of the strategy for Modelling Solutions at Amphos 21. He is an expert in hydrogeological and geochemical modelling for Nuclear, Mining, Oil & Gas and other industries related with water resources management. He authored more than 100 scientific and technical publications, and has participated in hundreds of environmental consulting projects in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. He has also participated in International Cooperation projects.
Jorge Molinero is Geologist (University of Barcelona), Postgraduate in Hydrogeology (Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya) and PhD in Civil Engineering (Universidad de La Coruña). He also has a Master degree in Management of Operations by EADA Business School is the De

Christian Afonso
Finance Director
Christian Afonso is the Finance Director of the group.
Expert in Engineering Business Financial Management and Consultancy in International Environments, he is the person responsible for coordinating both the Administration and Finance department of the Group.
Christian holds an MBA degree from ESADE, a postgraduate degree in Finance by University of California (Berkeley) and he is an Economist by Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife).