Who we are
We offer scientific, technical and strategic consulting
to the service of the environment and economic and social development
We are 200 professionals integrated into a large environmental group
with high technical skills and innovative mindset.

We offer scientific, technical and strategic consulting services for the whole nuclear fuel cycle and in problems related to the presence of radioactive material in the environment.

We offer efficient and quantitative solutions for the mining industry, backed by more than 20 years of experience, particularly oriented to the water cycle.

We provide hydrological services as an integrated solution, synthesizing all relevant subjects of the hydrological cycle for a given project.

We offer consulting services aimed for promoting sustainable development at both public administration and the private sector.

Amphos 21 services are related to advanced modelling, hydrology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, geomechanics, and conceptual engineering developing pragmatic solutions ...
Lara Duro

Our consulting incorporates development
and R+D+i, and integrated Modelling solutions
Our driving force is reducing the environmental impact associated with industrial and economic activities needed for the development of our society
Integrated innovative and efficient solutions developed with a quantitative approach
Amphos 21 helps safeguarding freshwater resources in the Marshall Islands
Amphos 21 is currently carrying out a modelling project to optimize groundwater management for the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Like many island nations, the

Presentation of the work and studies that Amphos 21 has carried out for the Catalan Water Agency (ACA)
This Thursday, the work and results of the study that Amphos21 has carried out for the Catalan Water Agency were presented. It is about the

Jordi Bruno, BDD for the mining sector, will attend Exposibram 2022 in Brazil
Jordi Bruno, BDD for the mining sector, will attend Exposibram 2022 in Brazil between the 12th and the 15th of September. International and local mining companies will