Corporate responsibility

Social Commitment.
The social commitment of Amphos 21 is imbedded in our professional actions towards a more sustainable environment. We collaborate with both, companies and public institutions in the development of more sustainable solutions to many crucial environmental challenges. In addition, we have a long tradition of cooperation with NGO’s like MSF to economically sustain their highly needed activities.
In all the countries where we operate, Amphos 21 fully complies all its business and legal obligations. It also maintains the social commitments that characterize the development of a business model, which is fair, ethical, and transparent; and which offers solutions to address environmental, economic and social inequalities.
At Amphos 21 we have a strict Ethical Code, which establishes guidelines for conduct to ensure trade relations strictly respectful with legal and ethical standards. It is also highly aware of the confidentiality and security of information provided by our customers and the absolute respect for trade controls and immigration laws.
Diversity and Integration
One of the main axes of the Human Resources policy in Amphos 21 is to prioritize the talent, commitment, responsibility and ethical behavior in the team.
These requirements include equal opportunities for all persons without making a distinction because of their origin, gender or condition.
The search for talent, wherever it may be found, along with the high level of internationalization of Amphos 21 activities explains why our team is made up of people from more than 20 different countries.
This cultural and linguistic diversity is characterized by the acceptance and integration of all team members, as well as the utmost respect for diversity and a permanent commitment to the preservation of this cultural richness.
To reinforce this decision, Amphos 21 has integrated a gender equality policy in its teams.

Training and Technical Excellence
The development of projects related to R+D+i (30% of the total, approximately) and the high technical complexity of many of the studies developed by Amphos 21 requires a permanent technical and scientic training of our consultants.
Career plans include a learning process that is reviewed periodically, based on the needs of the team and the interest of the professionals working for Amphos 21.
Thus, training through PhD, masters and specialization courses is essential to maintain our elevated level of technical competence. Furthermore, it has become a characteristic and distinguishing feature of our company.
Some of our values:
A TEAM of 200 professionals