iCP Training Course, November 2020
We are pleased to announce that a 3-day iCP Training Course will be held in Barcelona in November 2020. This course will also be offered on-line and is an excellent…
We are pleased to announce that a 3-day iCP Training Course will be held in Barcelona in November 2020. This course will also be offered on-line and is an excellent…
They are: Fernanda CerecedaMartin LizanaIldefonso MayhuaRogger MaytaRoman TejeroAlberto Yancapallo
The 1st Annual WorkShop (AWS) of the CORI WP, integrated into the EURAD project, was held in Barcelona 23rd – 25th October 2019, organized by Amphos 21 and KIT-INE. More…
Three exciting days of discussions on #innovation applied to the #mining industry at the #MMHMiningandMineralsHall. #Amphos21 contributed with disseminating the innovative contributions of the partners of the #H2020 #iterams project,…
Amphos 21 ha participado en la 45ª Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Española (https://www.reunionanualsne.es/es/), celebrada en Vigo los pasados días 25-27 de Septiembre de 2019 bajo el lema "Imprescindibles…