1st Annual Workshop of the WP CORI in EURAD
The 1st Annual WorkShop (AWS) of the CORI WP, integrated into the EURAD project, was held in Barcelona 23rd – 25th October 2019, organized by Amphos 21 and KIT-INE. More…
The 1st Annual WorkShop (AWS) of the CORI WP, integrated into the EURAD project, was held in Barcelona 23rd – 25th October 2019, organized by Amphos 21 and KIT-INE. More…
Three exciting days of discussions on #innovation applied to the #mining industry at the #MMHMiningandMineralsHall. #Amphos21 contributed with disseminating the innovative contributions of the partners of the #H2020 #iterams project,…
Amphos 21 ha participado en la 45ª Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Española (https://www.reunionanualsne.es/es/), celebrada en Vigo los pasados días 25-27 de Septiembre de 2019 bajo el lema "Imprescindibles…
Amphos 21 estuvo presente una vez más en Perumin, una de las convenciones más importantes del sector minero en Perú Fué nuestra 5a participación en este gran evento..
You will find us at the stand nº 5. http://www.iah2019.org/